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Listening Project: Student Voices
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DEMOGRAPHICS: Tell us about yourself
Name: (Last, First)
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Who is your English teacher? (In other words, whose English class are you taking the survey in?) 
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In which period do you currently take English? (In other words, in which period are you taking the survey?)
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When is your graduation year? 
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Academics: What grades do you normally earn in school?
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Academy: Which academy are you a part of?
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What middle school did you attend? 
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What elementary school did you attend? 
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Gender: Which gender do you most identify with? 
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Race/Ethnicity: What race(s) and/or ethnic group(s) do you identify with?
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Post-High School Goals: What are you planning to do after high school?
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Focus Group Results:
Top Issue: What did YOU identify as the top issue that we should address here within the Hoover Community? 
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Please provide more explanation for what your top issue is: 
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Call for Action: Would you be willing to join a work group to help find a solution to your issue and implement that solution? 
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Engagement: These questions are aimed at better understanding the level at which students are already engaged within the existing programs/clubs/activities/classes here on campus as well as identify what can be done to increase student engagement within our community. 
Classroom: How many classes do you feel engaged in? 
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Academy: On a scale from 0 to 5 (0=not connected & 5=very connected), how connected do you feel to your academy?
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School Programs: How many programs are you involved in either before or after school? 
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School Programs: What is the name of the program(s) that you are currently involved in? 
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Adult/Student Connection: How many adults on campus do you feel connected to? (In other words, how many adults do you feel you can you go to if you need help or support?)
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Engagement: Which activities/organizations do you actively participate in, are a member, or help run? (Click all that apply)

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If you are involved in a club or an athletics program, please indicate which one. 
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Extra-Curricular Engagement - Issue: What do you think is the reason why students may be disengaged (not participating) in extra-curricular activities (stuff outside of class)? 
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Extra-Curricular Engagement - Solutions: What do you think is a possible way to increase student engagement in extra-curricular activities?
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Academic Motivation - Issue: What do you think is the reason why students may be disengaged (not paying attention or doing well) in classes? 
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Academic Motivation - Solutions: What do you think is a possible way to increase student engagement in classes?
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Student Interests: What are you interested in? 
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Extra-Curricular Opportunities: What opportunities do you want to see more of at Hoover? 
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Attendance: This section is about trying to figure out the main issues as well as key solutions with regards to attendance rates here at Hoover. 
Tardiness - Context: How many tardies have you had this school year?
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Tardiness - Cause: If/when you are late to school, what are the primary reasons?

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Tardiness - Solutions: What would best help you arrive at school on time?

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Absenteeism - Context: How many absences have you had this school year?
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Absenteeism - Cause: If you do not come to school, what are the primary reasons?

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Absenteeism - Solutions: What do you think would help increase attendance rates here at Hoover?

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Facilities: This section aims at understanding how we can make the buildings and physical environment here at Hoover more helpful for student learning and growth. 
Facilities - Context: From 1-5, do you feel like the facilities (buildings, bathrooms, classrooms, gym, etc.) here at Hoover helps you to your learning?
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Facilities - Cause: If facilities (buildings, classrooms, bathrooms, water fountains, etc.) are not helpful for your learning environment, what is a possible cause? 
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Facilities - Solution: What do you think is the most helpful solution to improving our facilities and/or environment here at Hoover? 
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Mental Health: These questions are aimed at better understanding our current mental health services here at Hoover and how to improve student access for mental health. 
Context: Do you feel your mental health needs are being met?
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Context: Do you know how to access Hoover's Mental Health Services?
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Context: Have you engaged in any of the mental health services on campus?
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How do you cope with stress?
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Solution: What type of service do you feel would improve student mental health?
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Safety: Physical and Mental - These questions are aimed at understanding the levels at which students feel safe and comfortable to learn here at Hoover as well as identify what we can do to increase student belonging and safety in our community. 
Context: How safe do you feel in the physical environment (classes, campus, bathrooms, etc.) of school? 
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Issue: If you do not feel physically safe at school, what is a possible cause? 
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Solutions: What would make you feel more physically safe on campus? 
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Context: How safe do you feel to be yourself at school? 
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Issue: If you do not feel safe to be yourself at school, why might that be the case? 
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Solutions: What would make you feel more safe to be yourself on campus? 
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Anything else you would like to add?
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