Q11 Accurate vs Precise
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There's an “accurate” answer and “an appropriately precise” answer. *
To the best of your understanding, explain the difference between an “accurate” answer and “an appropriately precise” answer. (HINT: when is the answer on your calculator inappropriate?)
Confidence *
How well do you think you answered this?
I Don't Quite Understand
Great! I know What I'm Talking About.
Discussion *
Have you had a discussion about this question in class?
FakeName *
Use the same ficticious name for each of the 13 questions so you can keep track of your answers
Grade *
What grade are you in right now? (or teacher, para, staff)
School *
Just the abbreviation, such as FHUHS or PS132
What is your GPA?
A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1.
Mostly Ds
Mostly As
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