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Employers' Feedback

Feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution (Rabindra Mahavidyalaya )

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Organization *
Present Session *

1. The curriculum prescribed by  University is effective in developing innovative thinking 


2.  The curriculum has good balance between theory and applications


3. The curriculum provides scope for acquiring employable and entrepreneurship skills


4. There is adequate flexibility available in the choice of subjects to the students 


5. Current syllabus is Job-oriented, Skilled based and value-oriented 


6. Institution takes initiatives in bridging the gap between Industry, Society and Students 


7. Institution gives adequate exposure to the students through project/dissertation/in-plant training/field visit for real-life experiential Learning


8. The curricular and co-curricular initiatives taken by the institute help the students to attain the required competency level


9. How do you rate the proficiency & Competency of our students?


10. How Do you rate the infrastructure and facilities of the college?

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