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 Table Tennis United - Application Form
You belong to the ITTF family and are severely affected by Covid-19. Fill out this form and we will see if and how we can support you!
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First name *
Last name *
Please confirm your email address *
Your mobile number, including country code (i.e. 0049 341 99992944) *
Do you apply for yourself? *
Please specify your role:
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Do you apply in the name of an organisation? *
Name of the applying organisation
Type of organisation
Select one or more below
Street name and house number *
Additional address information
ZIP Code *
City or Town *
Country *
Why do you need support? *
Please describe your situation before and after the outbreak of COVID-19 and the consequences you foresee for the future.
Which kind of support do you need? *
Please let us know if you need financial or material support and specify each.
In case you are applying for financial support, please specify the sum in US Dollar here: *
Please let us know the equivalent in your local currency:
Please describe where you are going to use the support for. *
Please provide us the links to your media presence (social media, web). *
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