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Feedback on meetings to update on plans for developing hospital sites
To help with future meetings we would appreciate your feedback on the  7 March 2019 meeting to update on plans for developing hospital sites.  
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How satisfied were you with the overall length of the meeting?
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How satisfied were you with the start and finish time of the meeting?
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How satisfied were you with the location of the meeting?
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How did you find out about the meeting?
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Did you feel the presenters listened to the views expressed at the meeting?
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Did you feel questions asked at the event received comprehensive answers?
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Did the meeting allow sufficient time for discussion?
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How satisfied were you with the clarity of the information and the explanations in the slides and the speaker's presentations.
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How informative did you find the meeting overall? (With 1 being not at all informative to 5 being very informative
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Would you attend a similar meeting?
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Please add any comments to explain your answers (if you attended more than one meeting please add which meeting your ratings refer to)
To help us to understand who took part in these meetings please fill in the following questions.    What gender do you identify as?
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How old are you?
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Do you live with a disability of long term condition?
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Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
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How would you describe your ethnic origin?
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What is your religion or belief?
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Do you have caring responsibilities
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