We support the New York State Dream Act Coalition!
Advocates Stand Strong for the New York State DREAM Act

The political games & horse-trading have begun on behalf of New Yorkers in Albany and we need your help!  

In light of the rumblings that a Dream Fund is being negotiated instead of the entire Dream Act (which aside from including the Fund would also expand eligibility for undocumented youth under the state-funded Tuition Assistance Program), the New York State Dream Act Coalition will issue the following statement and would like to ask for your support.  

Albany - In the final hours of New York State budget negotiations, the New York State Dream Act Coalition and its allies issued the following statement:

“The NYSDAC remains firm in its commitment to seeing the DREAM Act become a reality this year, and calls upon Governor Cuomo and New York’s legislative leaders to include it in the state budget.  Thousands of students depend on access to state funded grants like TAP, and in funding the New York State Dream Act, lawmakers would enable all academically qualified New York high school graduates, regardless of immigration status, to afford the higher education they need to lead successful, productive lives.  The NYSDAC understands that compromise is a key component of the budget process, but lawmakers cannot allow  young people who aspire to live the American dream to be a casualty of the process.  The New York State DREAM Act Coalition has never and will never accept anything less than the DREAM Act for New York's undocumented youth.  Expediency cannot come at the expense of long-term commitment to New York’s youth – our future.  

Because the stakes for Dreamers is so high, the NYSDAC is resolute in continuing its call on the Governor and legislative leaders to include funding for the NYS DREAM Act in the state budget before the April 1st budget deadline.  There is no budgetary excuse for failure:  the cost of the DREAM Act is estimated at $27 million – a mere 2% of current TAP aid – a small increase that would be an enormous life changer for thousands of NY young people and a significant investment in the economic future of our state.  In short, the DREAM Act is a win for Dreamers and a win for all New Yorkers.  It must become law this year."

The New York State Dream Act Coalition is an alliance of labor, community, education and student organizations working together to make the dream of education equity and financial aid a reality for the undocumented youth of New York.
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