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Berry's Bot Request Form
A form to request a Janitor bot! I'll try to make every character as close to canon as possible!

+ I won't do underage characters or POVs!
+ I can do SFW, NSFW, and angst
+ I will do almost any fandom!
+ Please mention if the USER should have any specific traits\!
+ If you have a scenario in mind, please be specific!
+ I will do your character headcanons! Just let me know what they are!
+Request as many times as you'd like!
+I can and will refuse any request I'd like to!
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Do you want to be mentioned in the bot description?
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What is your JAI username? (If you want to be mentioned in the description!)
What is your character's name? *
What fandom is your character from?
What scenario would you like? *
Character headcanons?
Traits the USER should have?
NSFW or SFW intro? *
(For the overall bot/Actually different from the one above) *
What gender for the POV? *
Anything you want to say?
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