Woolworths Supplier Profile
Form to be distributed to potential suppliers for Woolworths Global Sourcing (WGS) Screening
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Company Name *
Company Website *
Please type/paste below link to Company Website
Company Address *
Level Number (if applicable) Street Number, Street Name, City or Province & Post Code
Country *
Country of Company's Head/Main Office
Title *
Title of Key Company Contact Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs
First Name *
First Name of Key Company Contact
Surname *
Surname/Last Name of Key Company Contact
Position held in Company *
Role/Position held by Key Company Contact identified above
Contact Email Address *
Key Contact Email Address
Contact Telephone Number *
Key Contact Work Telephone Number
Contact Mobile Number (Optional)
Key Contact Current Mobile Number
Additional Contacts (Optional)
Additional Contact information including Title, First Name, Surname, Position, Contact Phone/Mobile and Contact Email
Brief Company Profile *
Nature of Business *
Please select 1 of the options below
Number of Employees *
Please indicate number of employees. If there is no seasonal change then select Not Applicable (N/A) for rows 1 & 2 and indicate number of employees in row 3.
Less than 50 Employees
Between 51 - 100 Employees
Between 101 - 250 Employees
Between 251 - 1000 Employees
Between 1001 - 5000 Employees
Greater than 5000 Employees
Not Applicable (N/A)
Low Season
Peak/High Season
No Seasonal Change
Annual Sales Turnover *
Functional Currency *
Main Currency as stated on Invoices
Countries currently exported to and percentage (%) contribution of Sales *
Please list countries that you currently export to and indicate its percentage contribution to Annual Sales Turnover?
Top 5 Customers *
Please list who your key (top 5) customers are?
Brief Outline of types of products produced *
List/Summary of products you currently produce.
Export to Australia and New Zealand? *
If you do not export to Australia or NZ please select the N/A option for all rows.
New Zealand
Both Australia & NZ
N/A (Not Applicable)
To Importers
To Exclusive Agents/Distributors
To Retailer directly
If you export to Australia or NZ (as per the above question) please list Who, What products, Value per year and How long for?
Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ) Packs *
Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ) Products *
Would you be willing to supply OEM products to Woolworths *
QA Certification *
Please detail the specific certification, audit date and who performed the audit
Manufacturing Site(s) and Owners of site *
Please list location of manufacturing site(s), Owner of factory and Key Commercial and Quality Contact Information.
Additional Comments (Optional)
Please feel free to provide additional commentary below
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