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Serpentine New Year's Day 10K - Member's Entry Ballot To Run
Please fill the form below if you would like to enter the club's ballot to run the Serpentine New Year's Day 10K race on the 1st of January 2025 in the Hyde Park as a regular race participant. Only the limited 10 entries will be available to Serpentine club members as we need the rest of the available members to help us make the event happen. The lucky 10 members will also given a single use discount code to get 25% off their entry fee!

The ballot will be done by entering all registered names to the Wheel of Names  system and generating 10 random winners for this year 

All who will register for the ballot (by the noon of the 14th December 2023) will receive an email on the 15th of December 2023 with the list of the winners 
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