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HSTA NBCTs Membership Application
HSTA NBCTs:  a National Board for Professional Teacher Standards Network Affiliate.

Our mission is to advance the quality of teaching and learning
through a collaborative network of NBCTs, candidates and other professionals,
to connect network participants with teacher leadership opportunities,
and to promote the sharing of ideas and expertise within our network, HSTA and HTSB.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Your School *
Your Email (non-Lotus Notes) *
Your Role? *
Your HSTA Chapter *
Years Teaching *
Your Certificate Area *
What year did you certify? *
(If you are a not an NBCT, please write N/A in the box)
Have you renewed your certification? *
(If you are a not an NBCT, please write N/A in the box)
Areas of interest to you:
Please check all that apply
Anything else? Ideas?
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