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Bardstown Independent Schools Parents & Families
Parent/Guardian Survey
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My child attends *
My child/children is/are in grade(s)                                 Mark all that apply *
Does your child's school encourage you to be involved in your child's education? *
Do you feel welcomed in your child's school? *
Have you participated in and/or attended any of the following school activities this year?                                                                         Mark all that apply *
Do you know what the expectations are for your child  in READING for his/her grade level? *
Do you know what the expectations are for your child  in MATH for his/her grade level? *
Do you understand your child's report card? *
Do you understand your child's assessment scores? *
Do you know how students are selected for extra support programs? *
What is the best way for the school to share information about your child and school activities?
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Can you reach your child's teacher to discuss your child? *
Do you feel that teachers and/or administrators are interested and cooperative when you discuss your child's academic progress and other concerns? *
Which of the following would help you to be able to attend school activities? *
Does your school encourage you to work with your child at home and help you by sharing effective ways to accomplish this? *
How can the school improve communication, support, and parent involvement?
List any topics would you like to learn more about? *
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