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Here I Swap 2022
a fall swap for Lutheran ladies everywhere
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Address (street, city, state, and zip code): *
Favorite fall beverage: *
Favorite snack: *
Favorite hobby: *
Favorite color: *
Home decor style:
Favorite recipe
Are you willing to swap packages with someone international?
Are you interested in being put on a list of ladies willing to send a package to someone who didn't, for whatever reason, receive one?
I understand that I am agreeing to send a mug to the partner I am paired up with, and if I do not send the package by or on the scheduled date (unless I have been eaten by bears, broken a leg, or abducted by spies and spirited away to a foreign country), I may be outed on Facebook for all mug swappers to see and will not be allowed to participate in future swaps. *
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