Poll on Nigerians and online's shopping
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Age *
Email adress
Sex *
Did you ever buy online ? *
When you are buying online how many items are in your cart ?
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How often are you buying online ?
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What kind of goods you're used to buy online?
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How much are you spending  online generally (approximately) *
Where are you buying from when you shopped online ? *
Social Media
Among those different sort of advertisement which one are you particulary sensitive to ? *
Are you reading fashion's blogs ? *
Which fashion's blogs are you following ?
When you are buying cloth online what criteria determines the most your choice ? *
You class yourself in terms of fashion style as :
You are feeling more comfort in : *
Skinny and jegging
battle dress and baggy jeans
Normally , your trouser's size is : *
Your favorite brands are :
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How much are you ready to spend for a branded and trendy jeans sold exclusively online ? *
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