Chinese Baptist Church Commitment Form– 曉市頓華人浸信會委身事奉表 2014-2015 Church Year                                                      
Qualifications of Lay Workers
(Effective October 1, 2003)

There are 5 types of activities that are covered by these guidelines:
 Worship (Sunday worship services and direct support ministries)
 Christian Education (Ex: Sunday School, small groups) and Chinese School,
 Administration, service and spiritual support,
 Age groups and related sub groups,
 Positions requiring congregational vote (committees, church officers).  
In addition to the qualifications as stipulated in the bylaws, and in accordance with the individual ministry/committee policies, these qualifications must be met:

Basic Requirements:
 be a member of CBC,
 be a regular giver,
 attend worship regularly,
 attend Sunday School,
 have gone through appropriate training,
 must be a CBC member in good standing (as defined by the bylaws) for at least 1 year prior to assuming a leadership position,
 If working with children (birth to high school), must submit to and pass a background check and attend a Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training.

All LEADERS (chairs and co-chairs of fellowships, ministries, worship, choir director, leaders of: praise team worship support committee, worship support ministries, music ministries, drama ministry, food service, computer, etc.), as well as SUNDAY SCHOOL and CHINESE SCHOOL LEADERS must:
meet the Basic Requirements,
 as applicable to the specific area, have the appropriate skills

 be a Christian,
 attend service regularly, and
 have attended CBC for at least 6 months

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS, AGE GROUP and RELATED SUB-GROUPS, CO-CHAIRS & ASSISTANTS on leadership teams, CHURCH OFFICERS, and the members of the standing 6 COMMITTEES  must meet the Basic Requirements

 be a Christian, and
 regularly attend a church of like faith (doesn’t have to be CBC)

 be a Christian,
 attend church regularly, and
 been under the observation of the chairperson for at least 6 months

ADMINISTRATION and SERVICE MEMBERS (people not in leadership, just helping out with the work, e.g. P & S worker) do NOT need to be Christian or member, but must
 exhibit high moral standards, and
 work under a 6 month trial basis before becoming a regular member of the ministry

EXCEPTION CLAUSE - Any exceptions to these guidelines and qualifications will be addressed, and as appropriate, approved by the Pastors on a case-by-case basis.

DISMISSAL from ministry - If a person is known to be exhibiting a behavior inappropriate for their ministry, the person will be required to meet with the pastoral staff member who oversees that ministry and a Pastor if warranted, to discuss the situation with the hope of restoration and repentance.  During the course of the meeting it may be decided that the person should step down from his/her position.


1. 崇拜:主日崇拜和直接支援事工
2. 基督教教育:如主日學、小組和中文學校
3. 行政、服務和屬靈支援
4. 團契和相關的小組
5. 五個常設委員會、執事和相關的小組(如核數)



崇拜助理/協助最低的要求為: 必須為基督徒,最少參加教會聚會6個月, 經常出席崇拜
主日學老師必須: 符合基本要求
中文學校老師必須: 為基督徒(不須為本會會友), 經常參加信仰與本會相同的教會聚會
行政和服務助理必須: 為基督徒, 經常參加教會聚會, 已經通過有關的主席觀察最少6個月
團契和相關小組 - 副主席和助理必須, 符合基本要求
教會職員(包括核數)必須: 符合基本要求
不須為基督徒或本會會友,  須具崇高的道德操守, 在正式成為事工的恆常成員前,須經6個月的試驗期
六個常設委員會的成員必須: 符合基本要求




Please select the areas (max 3) you wish to serve by placing a check () in the New (if new to the area) or Rtn (if returning) column.  See the specific qualifications on the back of this form.  
請在您選擇事奉的項目 (只限三項) 內打(). 請看後頁有關平信徒事奉的資格.    New (首次事奉), Rtn (再次事奉)
*: requires church vote須要投票通過    #: appointed 委任     M: members only 只限會友

>>>>Please return your completed form in the Nominations collection box in the FLC by June 29, 2014   <<<<
             >>>>  請將填妥表格於2014年6月29日前放進康樂館內的提名委員會表格收集箱   <<<<

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Name姓名: *
 Welcome to include Chinese name as addition 欢迎包括中文名字
Address地址: (Optional)
Home phone電話(家): *
Work / Cell phone電話(工/手):
Email 網址:  
Are you a CBC member?   您是曉市頓華人浸信會的會友嗎? *
Which worship do you attend? 您參加那一個崇拜?     *
Committees, Officers 委員會/職員
New (首次事奉),
Return (再次事奉)
Building* (M) 建堂委員會
Church Clerk* (M)教會書記
Financial Secretary* (M)財政秘書
Membership* (M)會友
Missions* (M)差傳
Personnel* (M) 人事
Tellers* (M)核數
Treasurer/Asst Treas*(M)司庫/助理
Trustees# (M)信託
Clear selection
Committees, Officers 委員會/職員 ( by appointed only 委任 )
Information only - no need to select
Information only
Messengers# (M)會差
Nominations# (M)提名
Trustees# (M)信託
Clear selection
Lifecycle Ministries  家庭事工              
New (首次事奉)
Return (再次事奉)
Career/MOSAIC 就業單身
Crossroads 十字路單身
College 大專
Family Matters 家庭事工
Men’s 男士
Rainbow 彩虹團契
Women’s 婦女
Young Married 新婚家庭
Youth/MS Counselor(M)初中輔導員
Youth /HS Small Group Mentor (M)高中小組導師
Christian Citizenship基督徒市民事工
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General Ministries 各項事工
New (首次事奉)
Return (再次事奉)
Audio / Video視聽/音響
AWANA Club 亞灣拿團
Baptism (M) 浸禮
Cell Group 細胞小組
Children’s Worship (M) 兒童崇拜
Chinese School 中文學校
Church History (M) 教會歷史
Church Hostess教會主持人
Computer 電腦
ESL 基本英語會話班
Food Service 膳食
Lord’s Supper(M) 主餐
Nursery 育兒
Prayer(M) 祈禱
Preschool Praise (M)學前兒童崇拜
Property and Space 維修
Recreation 康樂
Scholarship (M) 獎學金
Special Events特別活動
Ushers (M) 招待
VBS 假期聖經學校
Welcome(M) 歡迎
Mandarin 国语
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Sunday School Teachers主日學教師: English (英語)
New (首次事奉)
Return (再次事奉)
Administrator (M) 行政
Sunday School Training (M) 主日學訓練
Elementary 1st-5th (M) 小學
Middle School (M) 初中
High School (M) 高中
College/Career (M) 大專
Basic Doctrine (M) 基本教義
Bereans (M)
Boomers (M)
Christian Growth (M)
Discovery (M)
Mature Adults (M)
Men’s (M)
Women’s (M)
Young Marrieds (M)
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Chinese Sunday School Teachers 中文主日學教師
New (首次事奉)
Return (再次事奉)
Chinese Sunday School Cantonese (廣東話)
Chinese Sunday School Mandarin(普通話)
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Sunday School Teachers: Preschool  學前主日學 English (英語)
New (首次事奉)
Return (再次事奉)
Administrator(M) 行政
Kindergarten (M) 幼稚園
5 years (M) 五歲
4 years (M) 四歲
3 years (M) 三歲
2 years (M) 兩歲
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Worship/Music Minis音樂事工
New (首次事奉)
Return (再次事奉)
Choir, Adult – Chi成人詩班-中
Choir, Adult – Eng成人詩班-英
Praise Team – Eng (M) 崇拜小組-英
Praise Team – Youth (M)崇拜小組-青年
Praise Team – Chinese (M) 崇拜小組-中
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Write-in Areas 備註
For any ministry not listed above
Comment/Suggestion  评论/建议
Fill in Date *
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