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Hello! Thank you for being here! 😃

This survey is designed to better understand people's experience in order to help us gather information for an online Streaming Platform, we are currently working on which is specifically for Tertiary Students. Your response in this survey would determine if you are an eligible participant for our interview and you will be notified for an interview. This survey will take no longer than 2 minutes. All of the data gathered will be used just for this project. If you have any questions, you can contact  (Sekinat and Adanna
Thank you in advance for your time! 🙌
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Can you tell us your name? (first name alone is also fine) *
5....and gender? *
How about your age group? *
Are you in any tertiary institution in Nigeria? *

How often do you use social media platform(s)?  

Do you create videos to upload on social media?
Do you stream movies or video content online?
 Do you watch video content online? *
What motivates you to watch video content online? *
Are you open to a one-on-one interview with us? *
If your answer is YES in the above Question, How would you like to be reached? *
Kindly share your contact information if you agree to let us reach you for an interview?  *
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