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Montana Surf Scholarship Application
Montana Surf may award financial scholarships each season based on the need of the applicant and the funds available.  Financial need will be assessed using annual household income, family make-up, family support of the player, and life/situational circumstances.  

Montana Surf believes cost should never be a reason someone does not get to play soccer.  Our scholarships are intended to assist players who would otherwise not have the opportunity to play.  We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and play this beautiful game.  We also believe every player should feel some ownership of their training and development and therefore, Montana Surf rarely awards full scholarships.  We ask that each player pay something toward their season - whatever amount can be comfortably afforded.  

Players receiving scholarships are expected to attend all trainings, home games, away games and tournaments, exigent circumstances excepted.  Future scholarship awards may be impacted by a lack of commitment to the team.

For Academy and Competitive level players, Montana Surf expects each family to volunteer a minimum of 5 hours per season with the club or their player's team.  Each family is also expected to give their team manager a check for $200 each season to be held pending completion of the volunteer hours.  These expectations are the same for families of scholarship players.  There are numerous volunteer opportunities during any given season.  Future scholarship awards may be impacted by a lack of volunteer participation.
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Email *
Application Date *
Season/Year/Program Applying For (e.g. "Spring 2024 Academy" or "Spring 2024 Recreational" or "Spring 2024 Competitive")
Player Name (Last, First)  *
Player Birth Year *
School Player Attends *
Number of Seasons with Montana Surf (formerly Blitzz FC) *
Parent Name (Last, First) *
Parent Address 
Parent Phone Number (indicate home, cell, work, etc.) *
Family Make-Up *
Are the Adults in the Player's Household Employed? *
Estimated Annual Household Income (from all sources) *
Amount of Assistance Requested *
Do you need assistance with other season expenses?  An affirmative response to this question will not guarantee this assistance, but Montana Surf will strive to assist you in all ways we are able. *
Please provide a brief explanation of your reason for applying for Montana Surf scholarship assistance.   *
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