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S73 Awards Predictions
3 TPE for participation; 1 TPE for each correct prediction.
* Indicates required question
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Sergei Karpotsev Trophy (Points leader):
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Jay McDonald Trophy (Goal scoring leader):
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Jeff Dar Trophy (Best two way player):
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Turd Ferguson Trophy (Most PIMs):
Your answer
Scott Stevens Trophy (Best defenseman):
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Bojo Biscuit Trophy (Best defensive defenseman):
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Mike Honcho Trophy (Goalie who allows the fewest goals in the season):
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John McBride Trophy (Best goalie):
Your answer
Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best rookie):
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Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP voted by the committee):
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Sarmad Khan Trophy (League MVP voted by the players):
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Verification* To get credit for this task you must add 1 word of your choice below and reply with that word in the point task thread.
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