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Making Recovery Real Partnership: Suicide Survey 2022 - Closes End of October 22

The Making Recovery Real Partnership (MRR) was established in 2014/15 to take a co-produced approach to the implementation of Moray’s Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy (Good Mental Health for all in Moray 2016 - 2026). Suicide prevention and supporting those affected by suicide, is a key part of this work.

We need your support in completing this survey to help us understand the current picture around suicide prevention in Moray, and what more can be done to save lives and support those affected by suicide.

A wealth of Moray organisations, groups and individuals contribute to suicide prevention. However, the details of the activities and the numbers of people they support is not fully understood. MRR partners need to understand what is currently happening to get an idea of what more could be done.

We recognise that the subject of suicide can be very sensitive and distressing for so many people and it impacts on many people’s lives; friends, families, communities and those who have attempted suicide. Therefore it is important to take a bit of time to reflect on the things that we are doing to reduce and prevent suicide; listen to what people say, and use this information to try make improvements, where we need to.

There is a wealth of skill, and experience in Moray, ranging from large statutory services, third sector organisations, small community projects and people with lived and personal experience.  We would like to hear from you and ask you what think. If you have personal and lived experience and/or if you provide a service or services.

The more responses we get the more it will help us to make the changes.


CONTACT DETAILS: You can provide your contact details if you wish.

PART 1: Please complete this section if you provide a service or resource. We know there is a lot of preventative work taking place in Moray that is related to suicide prevention and support. This might be part of general work, what you are doing as part of your day to day activities.

We would like you to think whether there are things you do that are specifically and explicitly aimed at preventing suicide and/or supporting those impacted by suicide or attempted suicide; and tell us about it.

PART 2: You can fill in this section if you would like to tell us what you think about services and resources in Moray. What we could do differently or change, what we could improve, what should we stop doing, and what should we start doing.

Ø  You will see that we have asked if you would like to be contacted for a follow up interview. We recognise that some people prefer to chat about things. We would love to talk to you.

Ø  We will only contact you if you give us permission to do so.

Ø  You can write as much or as little as you want.  The boxes will expand as you type, so there is no word limit.

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Contact details
* If you re filling in this form as an individual, and not as part of an organisation or group, you can do so anonymously
Name of person completing this survey* 

* If you're filling in this form as an individual, and not as part of an organisation or group, you can do so anonymously
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