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Sussex Gleaning Network - Sign Up Form
Thanks for showing an interest in coming gleaning!

Our next outing will be gleaning Pumpkins near Sompting on Friday 1st November, 10.30am-3pm.  

Want to come? Great! Please complete the questions below, it helps us plan the day.

You will be sent a confirmation email confirming the plan and travel arrangements. 

Please note we have a maximum number of volunteers we can safely supervise for each event. Filling out this form does not a guarantee that you have a space, you will be contacted before the event with confirmation and further details. Gleaners based nearby to the farm will be prioritised to minimise travel logistics.

If you are connected to a community food project that would benefit from surplus produce then you are welcome to take an appropriate volume directly to the project. Volunteers are also permitted to take home a supply of produce with them.

If you do sign-up and later realise you can’t make it, please notify so we can plan accordingly. Last-minute changes can sometimes have knock-on effects, so please say if your attendance is in doubt.

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Please confirm the date of the glean you are signing up for.
Name *
Email address *
We will send you finalised details of the gleaning day to this address once confirmed. We will not share this information with any other parties, unless you have given consent below to coordinate travel with other volunteers for this gleaning day.
Phone number *
We will not contact you on this number for any other purpose than keeping in touch with you on the gleaning day (in case you are late, lost, etc.). If you agree to lift sharing, your number will be shared with your fellow driver/passenger)
Please select your age category *
We’re proud that our gleaning opportunities attract people of all ages. By answering this question, you help us ensure that we’re staying on track. Please note under 18's need to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Travel Arrangements
Travel expenses are covered up to £15 per person for fuel or public transport fees. If this is a barrier for your attending, please speak to the coordinator.
How do you plan to travel to the farm? Feedback can connect gleaners who need a lift and those with spare space in their car, however we are not liable for travel to/from the event, therefore drivers and passengers will need to take full responsibility for their safety and insurance when agreeing to lift sharing. *
Please give your postcode below so we can plan travel arrangements. Please note that lift sharing arrangements will be sent out separately to the instructions for the day so keep an eye on your inbox. Please also note that if you have selected a lift-sharing option then your email address and phone number will be shared with select gleaning volunteers. *
If you or anyone in your group has an allergy or medical condition relevant to the gleaning day that we should know about, please record it here.
If you or anyone in your group has additional needs that may require some extra support to enable you to take part in the gleaning day, please record it here. We want our gleaning days to be as inclusive as possible.
Please provide a name and phone number of a friend or family member to be used in case of emergency *
Are you signing up to volunteer with any other friends or family? *
If "yes", then please enter details below and encourage them to complete this form
Do you give your consent for photos to be shared on social media by Sussex Gleaning Network? In this instance the day is being funded by Hubbub UK and Hubbub Enterprises would also like to use photos for promotional purposes. You have the right to remove this consent at a later date should you wish.
Clear selection
If you are signing up with friends or family, please write below their name, age and email address
(It's important we know the age of all volunteers, as this is required by the organisations who kindly fund our work)
Where did you hear about this glean?
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Data Protection
By submitting this form, you consent to Feedback securely storing and using your information for the purposes of organising gleaning events. You can opt-out at any time by emailing We promise to always keep your details safe and we will never sell or swap your details with third parties. Please see our privacy policy for more information: We would love to keep you up to date about other aspects of Feedback’s work, such as our campaigns. If you’d like to receive this information, please tick this box:
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