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Dear Friend, Greetings from NIMHANS ECHO, Centre for Addiction Medicine & NIMHANS Digital Academy
NIMHANS ECHO is an innovative capacity building program that uses a HUB and SPOKE knowledge-sharing network, led by expert teams from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore, to provide training and tele-mentoring to healthcare professionals working in remote by using digital technology. 
 Our mission is to make the trusted knowledge accessible to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. Using case-based learning, collaborative care and tele-mentoring,  we seek to build a “community of practice” of 1000 Certified “ champions every year in Addiction and mental health. 
Please express your interest in the form below (two minutes). 

There is a nominal COST being charged by NIMHANS to any of the Certificate courses below.  This cost is to use to compensate the software,  life long access to e-learning platform, time of support staffs and part of time of the  specialists. 
You can visit our website  and look at both currently running and completed once to get a detailed idea about the programme.
Wishing a good day ahead.
 Admin team
Centre for Addiction Medicine, Dept of Psychiatry  and NIMHANS Digital Academy VKN ECHO
Dept of Psychiatry
updated 28th  May 2024
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Various Digital tele-mentoring ECHO Courses and programme
NIMHANS ECHO model of Learning
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Highest Qualification *
Mobile Phone number  (we will never misuse it) *
Which of the Diploma or Certificate ECHOs you will be interested.  Each Certificate and Diploma Programme varies from 30 hr to 60 hrs depending on the area and speciality . These are live weekly videoconferencing + e-learning. You can find details about those in the website  *
Any other Topic *
Our journey
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