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DHCD Needs Assessment Survey
259 responses
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for small business development and preservation, please choose one of the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for home rehabilitation, please choose from the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for homeownership, please choose from the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for green buildings, please choose from the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for community infrastructure and facilities, please choose from the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for vacant and blighted properties, please choose from the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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In the Consolidated Plan, the District indicated it will use some of its HUD CPD funds for housing development for specific populations, please choose from the activities below to indicate which would be your priority for using these funds in the coming year.
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DHCD’S Funding From HUD and the Citizen Participation Plan
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