[Rescheduled] Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 2014
Thursday, May 1st
4:30pm (birdwalk); 6:30pm (dinner)
McClellan Ranch Preserve, 22221 McClellan Rd, Cupertino
(directions available online at http://www.scvas.org/index.php?page=text&id=directions)

Whether you're a "veteran" volunteer or just getting started, we hope you'll join us for an evening of good food, good friends, and of course, some good birding!

Please RSVP by April 28th so we know how much food to order!
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Your name *
Your Email *
(for reminder purposes…)
Your phone number *
(Just in case email doesn't work…)
How many people will be attending the Bird Walk? *
(All are welcome on this portion of the evening)
How many people will be attending the Dinner? *
(Unfortunately, because we do have limited space, we are asking that only volunteers sign-up for the dinner at this time. Spouses, friends and significant others are welcome to attend if space permits - please include their information below and we'll let you know by the 28th whether space is available)
Names of any spouses, friends or significant others to put on the waiting list for dinner:
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