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Apply to the EA Mental Resilience Program
We are excited to see you here!
In this form, you state your goals, preferences, and other characteristics. Based on this, we’ll see if you are a good fit for our support groups, and which program and group suits you best. Using this information, we will also match peers together who we believe will bond well and learn from each other. This year, many more but not all applicants will be accepted into the program. We choose based on:
  • Do we have a great group, facilitator, or buddy for you? We match based on fit, time zones, and preferences.
  • Do we believe you'd benefit from the program? We select based on if the program versions, i.e, the setting and the methods we teach, fit your goals and characteristics.
It will take ~20 minutes to complete this form. Best do it at your computer, since the format won't work well on a phone. 

No identifiable data from this form will be shared with any third party for any reason. Responses will not be visible to your peers. Please answer all questions honestly and as completely as you can.
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