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اختبار في مادة السياسات الملف السابع
Health disparity and
Health equity.
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All the following are true about health inequity-except:
1 point
It provide a full picture about disease
increases levels of crime
increases stress and anxiety
pushes 100 million people into poverty
all the following are true except:
1 point
Health Disparities:a population where there is a significant disparity
Health equity:systematic differences in the health status of different population groups
Health Inequities:Disparities in health
Healthcare inequity:differences in the quality ofhealth
the differences that were emerged due to health inequity include all the following except:
1 point
social economic status
Health outcomes
the term 'outcome' is used todescribe the result of a health care intervention in:
1 point
Health policy
Health economics
Health impacts
Health care
All the following are related to QOL except:
1 point
common measure of health improvement
based on income.
contributes to one's subjective well-being
it measures life expectancy
Find the mis matched
1 point
Lack of a regular source of care————fewer doctor visits
Lack of insurance coverage—————Without it patients postpone medical care.
Structural barriers—————such as lack of insurance
Health literacy——————-patients with a poor understanding of good health
All the following are true about gender inequalityexcept:
1 point
has been prevalent in all societies
a fundamental human right
weakens women
discrimination on the basis of sex
equitable (fair) access and exposure to social,
1 point
Health Status
Social Justice
A desirable quality
All the following areGovernmental strategies to improve health except
1 point
Provision and implementation of health policies
Promote healthy behavior
Prevention and control of communicable diseases
Increase the percentage of ineffective drug
Provision of public hospitals with all the following except:
1 point
high quality care
proper health information
Provision of health insurance
Restricts the hospital with an stander of profit
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