Wellbeing Questionnaire Registration
Thank you for your interest in well-being measurement. We have developed three measures. The PERMA Profiler is a general measure, developed for adults, which measures flourishing in terms of 5 domains: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment, following Dr. Seligman's well-being theory (see the book Flourish for more information). The Workplace PERMA-Profiler changes the context of the questions to the work context. The EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-being adapts the model for adolescents, capturing five positive characteristics that we believe promotes flourishing: engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness, and happiness. Please complete this form (to help us keep track of who is using the measure), and then the measures can be downloaded from


You are welcome to use the measures for research or assessment purposes (only - no commercial purposes), giving credit as noted in the measures; there is no cost involved in using the measures for these purposes. If this is for commercial interests, please contact the Penn Center for Innovation (pciinfo@pci.upenn.edu).  
Name *
First (Given) Name, Last Name (surname)
Email address *
Organization *
Please enter your organization (or note personal interest)
Measure(s) you would like to use *
Intended use *
Please provide a brief description of your intended use for the measure(s).
Would you be willing to share deidentified data? *
This will help us build our norm information for comparison. It would be helpful if after you complete your study, you share the question responses, along with age, gender, and country information.
Please provide any additional comments or qualifications here.
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