The Mixed Nutters Demographic
We want to know about our community! All questions are optional, you DO NOT have to answer any of them.
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How old are you?
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What is your gender identity?
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Where are you from?
What are you diagnosed with?
You may put in multiple answers.
How long ago were you diagnosed?
Please answer as such; "2 years" or "1 year, 3 months" or "2 months". Please do not use days.
Are you currently on, or ever have taken medications to help your illness?
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If yes to the previous question, are you currently happy with your cocktail of meds?
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Are you subscribed to /r/TheMixedNuts?
Answer truthfully, we won't be hurt!
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Do you have any suggestions for the subreddit?
We take everything you tell us into consideration.
Do you understand that all the questions you have given us are anonymous, but are used in a generalized poll for an idea of the population of our subreddit? *
This is just so you know, we DO NOT know who you are, we WILL NOT associate your answers with each other, we ONLY use each question's results to form an idea of who is who in /r/TheMixedNuts. If your answer is NO, please close down the page.
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