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Resilience via Biodiversity Introduction Form
## If you are from EAG London 2024 and just want to sign up your email feel free to leave out other questions ##

This form gathers information about group members so we can better understand one another's background, skills, interests and projects.
If you need inspiration, you can look at the answers the other group members have already givenĀ here.
All questions are optional.
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What email address would you like us to use?
What is your name/username?
Where is your current "home base"?
What is/are your preferred language(s)?
What are your preferred pronouns?
Short Bio
What EA/ecology related topics are you interested in?
On a scale from 1 to 10 how familiar are you with EA (core ideas, the movement, current happenings, etc) ?
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On a scale from 1 to 10 how familiar are you with biodiversity & environmentalism (core ideas, key players, current happenings, etc)?
Clear selection
What is your current focus related to EA/environment? (if you have a project, please describe it!)
What are some relevant past projects or work?
What are some of your unique skills you would enjoy contributing? Don't limit your answer: It could be art, engineering, or unbridled enthusiasm.
What do you hope to gain from joining this group? Are there specifics ways you want to be supported?
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