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Floodbrain Feedback
Thank you for checking out! As this tool is under active development, we are constantly looking for feedback and ways to improve. If possible, any information you can add below can help us greatly.
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What are you working in / what is your job position?
How useful would you rate the content provided by the summary? (1 not useful 5 invaluable)
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How useful would you rate the content provided by the map? (1 not useful 5 invaluable)
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Did you use the chat functionality?
If yes, how useful would you rate the chat functionality? (1 not useful 5 invaluable)
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Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with our product?
How would you like to see floodbrain evolve in the future? Are there any features missing that you'd like to see added?
If you are interested in communicating further, please add some contact information below.
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