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Volunteer Application
Note: Pass the Torch will not sell or distribute any personal information to outside organizations.
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Name *
Grade Level *
Age *
School Name (if graduated, please list your most recent school/university) *
City, State *
Contact Info (phone number AND email) *
Gender *
Race/Ethnicity *
Which position would you prefer? (you can check more than one) *
Please state relevant experience(s) for any of the positions you listed above. If you don't have any, please state: N/A. *
Please list the hours per week you can commit to Pass the Torch. We understand that this may change on a week-by-week basis, so please put a general estimate. *
Why do you want to be a volunteer instructor/ outreach coordinator/ fundraising coordinator for Pass the Torch? *
What would you say your strengths and weaknesses are? *
What subjects would you like to teach at Pass the Torch? These subjects can be academic (sciences, history), or artistic (drawing, painting).  Please describe your experience with the subjects. Note: you can mention multiple subjects. Please ignore this question if you're applying for an outreach or fundraising coordinator position (you can just put N/A if so). *
Any awards, achievements, or accomplishments you would like us to know about?
How did you hear about Pass the Torch? *
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