Selecting a Good EE Research Question
Please rate the following EE research questions on a scale of 1-4: (1) poor, (2) potentially poor, (3) potentially good and (4)  excellent.  How many points would you give to each of them?

Adapted from Extended Essay: Approach your assessment the IB way and IB EE Handbook.
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Biology: Does classical music, rock music or silence in any way influence memory? *
History: What was the influence of Ernesto "Che" Guevara on the Cuban Revoluntionary war 1956-59? *
English A1: A comparison of brother-to-brother relationships in SE hinton's Rumble Fish and The Outsiders *
Economics: To what extent have the Hong Kong government's policies been effective in reduing vehicle carbon emission? *
Economics: How is the changing role of women being reflected in advertising and how does this affect demand? *
History: What is the history of films? *
Visual arts: Antonio Gaudi and Santiago Calatrara: how does Calatrara's work evoke the work of Gaudi? *
Economics: How effective has the Hong Kong government been in controlling inflation? *
Enlgish A1: A comparison  of the representation of the countryside in the works of Thomas Hardy and Laurie Lee *
Physics: How did the theory of wave-particle duality begin and where will it take us? *
Mathematics: An examination of the role of prime numbers and factorization in RSA encryption *
History: Why did women's rights in the United States flourish in the 1960s as a result of World War II? *
English B: Is Harry Potter an effective way to get children to read? *
Visual arts: Virgin Mary-changing depictions from the 14th century to the early 16th century? *
English A1: The Melancholy and the Macabre: does Oscar Wilde's and Roald Dahl's work share similarities in themes and writing styles? *
Economics: What market form characterizes the bus industry in Hong Kong? *
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