Use this form to request a translation from the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET).
DETAILS: CSET provides limited text translation services into and out of a variety of languages free of charge to the U.S. government, academic institutions, and nonprofits. You may request full translation of a single document, excerpted translation of a single document, or a summary of one or multiple documents. In the latter two cases, please provide detailed instructions in the "additional information" field, below.
This form currently does not support document upload. Please provide a hyperlink to the document instead. If your document is not available online, please upload it to a cloud or file-sharing service first and provide this URL with your request. CSET will contact you for permission to access your document, if necessary.
CSET reserves the right to decline translation requests, to prioritize certain translations over others, and to limit dissemination of certain translations. CSET also reserves the right to use and publish the translation via CSET platforms. Finished translations will feature CSET branding and attribution unless specified otherwise by the requester.
If the material to be translated is copyrighted, it is the responsibility of the requester to obtain permission to translate from the copyright holder.
Please write down any questions you have about CSET's translation intake process in the "additional information" field below.