The Mini Mini Maker Faire
The Mini Mini Maker Faire will be an event that aims to encourage under 18s to get involved with the maker culture.
The event will last a week in the school holidays and will consist of 5 days spent with mentors learning how to develop their ideas using computers like the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino and make them a reality.
Then at the weekend they will set up stalls and show off to the public their creations at a Maker Faire.
So it will be like a mash up of YRS and Maker Faire :)
or instead of the 5 days it could be a weekly club with the Maker Faire being held in the summer.

So what do you think, can you help or do you know someone who can? Which idea do you think will work best or do you think that there's a better way? :)

Please let me know and spread the word
Thank you
Amy Mather
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