ZN Willett - Review Team Sign Up
Thank you for your interest in ZN Willett’s Review Krewe. The sign up form is now open to new readers, bloggers,  instagrammers, and Booktubers. If you are already on my review team, no need to sign up again.
➣ Be the first to review ZN Willett's books.
➣ Each ARC will come with an appreciation bonus link that is open internationally.


By joining the review team you will be part of a select group who will be provided *ARCs of ZN Willett’s books in advance of the release date. Please read this form carefully and make sure you fill it out correctly. Missing information will void your registration.

ARCs are sent via BookFunnel, or in some cases, direct to Kindle. If chosen for the team, you will be added to a closed group and sent emails from ZN Willett and team.

In exchange for an ARC, you will be required to post your review on Goodreads and at least ONE other site/retailer such as Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books and BookBub within thirty days after the book release date.

You will also be asked to share teasers and promo material for the upcoming release on social media.

If chosen, you will be given confidential information about future releases that will not be allowed to share.

If you have any questions, you can email : email@znwillett.com.

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