Major decision made by vote!
Trying to decide if I should keep my downtown Cincinnati apartment for the summer.  My lease is up at the end of April.  I love living the apartment...would love to have a home-base for all of the things I do downtown (Aronoff subscription, MPMF, my new favorite bar (Knockback Nat's, etc).  However, I could give up the apartment and move back onto the boat for the Spring, Summer and Fall (for those of you who don't know...I lived on the boat last Spring, Summer & Fall).  

Living in the marina is fun--it's a party almost every night.  I would save about $5,000 if I do this.

So...I've always wanted to live downtown, and I really love it so far.  I'd love the opportunity of living there during the warm months.  Should I grab the opportunity, or save $5,000?
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