Help Science! Does your cat react to visual illusions?
Have you tried to show a visual illusion such as the rotating snakes illusion ( to your cat? What reaction did you get? Did you even film it? Please let me know how your cat reacted by filling in this form. Information you (and hopefully many others) enter in this form will be publicly available in some form at a later stage. If you want to get notified when this happens please leave your e-mail, which I will only use to send you this notification.

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What illusion did you show your cat?
Did your cat seem to react to the illusion? *
In what way did your cat react?
From what you experienced do you believe your cat can see the illusion?
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How old is your cat? (in years)
If you have a video of your cat reacting to (or failing to react to) an illusion, please paste a link to the video here.
If you want to get notified of the result of this survey please leave your e-mail.
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