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Work with Marni 
Upon receiving your answers, I will contact you within twenty-four hours to schedule a free 20 minute consultation by phone or zoom. Your creative journey starts now!
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Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Phone number
I am interested in *
If interested in individual sessions, what are your goals?
If interested in "Write it in 6", describe the piece you would like to start or polish. (For example, "I am writing a memoir and I have one story completed" or,  "I have an idea for a self-help book but have not started or, "I am working on the second draft of my historical novel.")
If interested in group workshops, please indicate which one(s). All workshops are 6 weeks. If you do not see a start date, you will be put on the waitlist and notified as soon as the next workshop is being offered.
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