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Nashville Greek Picnic Stroll Off Registration
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2024 Nashville Greek Picnic. Below are the rules of participation. Breaking of any of the follow rules can result in dismissal from the competition and you will not be refunded your entrance fee.

1) Keep all strolls in good taste as your performance will be placed on various social media sites.
2) Your musical selection must already be mixed and on a Flash Drive to be handed to the DJ.
3) Each team is allowed five (7) minutes. Going over your time will result in a deduction of your score.
4) You are welcome to use props.
5) You are allowed a maximum of ten (10) members on your team.
6) You must notify the NGP Stroll Off Coordinator if you and your team are unable to perform.
7) The team assumes all risk in its performance of all activities authorized by this agreement, and is responsible for all actions whatsoever committed by your team that may cause harm or injury to persons or property
8) Undergraduate, graduate, or mixed teams are eligible to compete.
9) The decision of winner of the NGP stroll off champion is final.
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I have read and understand the rules and conditions of the NGP Stroll Off. *
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