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Greenport Alliances. Questionnaire for industry.
Greenport Alliances is an EU-funded project bringing together Maritime Universities, Maritime VET, and industry (specifically towage, pilotage and ports).  ETA is a partner of this project.  

After carrying out a needs analysis, Greenport Alliances will come up with training programmes that target the ports services sector holistically.  The training shall be aimed at three key groups: 

(i) Higher Educational Institution (HEI) students (future personnel) by integrating developed materials into existing HEI programs; 

(ii) working professionals through a short accredited vocational course; and 

(iii) educators and trainers of both groups through an eLearning train-the-trainer program. 

This questionnaire is part of the initial phase of the project whereby we identify what is available in the industry in terms of training and where the gaps are.  Thank you for taking the time in answering this questionnaire and your answers will be ANONYMOUS. You can access our privacy policy through this link.

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