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APR Adoption Application
All applications must be submitted with a $25 donation to Appalachian Pug Rescue, Inc. (APR).  Your donation is tax deductible.  Your application does NOT guarantee approval.  Consider this a ONE-TIME DONATION as you do not need to submit a donation if you have previously applied to adopt another APR animal, but were not selected.  Please keep in mind that just because you adore pugs not every pug fits with every family and vice versa.  Also, a denial for one animal does not mean denial for another; it just means that there was another family with a better fit.  Please make sure all family members understand and agree to adopting the animal BEFORE you apply.

Your tax-deductible donation can be submitted via the following methods:
- Paypal:
- Zelle:
- Venmo: @appalachianpugrescue
- CashApp: $appalachianpugrescue
- FB messenger
Please advise if you need a donation receipt.  Tax ID 88-2175325

Please be honest and specific so that APR can match the BEST match for YOUR family and the FURKID!

Do not include anyone living in your household as a reference.  Let your references know that APR will be calling them.  If we cannot reach a reference, then we cannot process your application.

An interview and home visit WILL be conducted if your application passes the screening process (preferably in person, but in some cases virtual visits are accepted).  All applicants over the age of 18 must be present for the interview.

APR reserves the right to reject any application based on information obtained during this screening process.
Please understand that our primary goal is the health, happiness, and safety of our animals.  All applicants MUST have the ability to video conference.

If you are approved to adopt an animal and all parties agree, then most Adopters will have a meet and greet with the animal before they make a final decision.  Both APR and the applicant(s) must MUST sign an adoption contract.  The contract will be sent ahead of time for review and discussion.

The annual cost for food and veterinary care for a healthy dog is approximately $600-1000.  Should there be an injury or illness, it could be more.  Before applying prepared to bear this expense.  DISCLAIMER:  The animal will be fully vetted at the time of adoption and you will receive all veterinary records.  However, at the time of adoption APR is released from liability from future disease, illness, and injury as these cannot be predicted or prevented.

The applicant(s) certify that he/she/they has never been subject to legal action for cruelty to or neglect of animals.  The applicant(s) further certifies that he/she has never owned an animal which has been confiscated by any animal control or humane organization for violations of state or local animal control regulations or animal adoption agreements.

The applicant(s) certify that all information supplied on this application is true.  Any information supplied on this application knowingly false will result in immediate denial for the animal and any subsequent animals.

The applicant(s) understands that this document is an application for consideration and not a contract for adoption.

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Email *
I have read all details in the above paragraphs *
I will be submitting my application fee via...

In the notes section of the payment, please state the furkid's name. Please also state if the payer's name and application name are different.
Today's date *
Full legal name (first, middle, and last) *
Date of birth *
Spouse/Significant other/Partner full legal name (first, middle, and last)
Spouse/Significant other/Partner's date of birth
Best contact number *
Full address - inclue house number, street name, city, state, zip *
Name of animal applying for (or any pug) *
Do you have any questions/concerns about this furkid?
If you listed "Any Pug" above, what gender is preferred?
If you listed "Any Pug" above, what color is preferred? 
If you entered "Any Pug" above, what age range are you looking for? (check all that apply) *
What energy level are you looking for? (check all that apply) *
Describe your pug experience... *
List all other adult family members with full name and age (to determine animal compatibility) *
List all other minor family members with ages (to determine animal compatibility)
Do you... *
Do you live in a... *
Home's activity level *
Do you have stairs?  If yes, state how many and in how many places that are accessible.  If no, enter N/A. *
Do you have a fenced yard? *
What type of fencing do you have? *
Do you have a swimming pool? *
If you do have a swimming pool, please check all that apply
Setting *
Do you accept that even if this animal is listed as housetrained that sometimes animals can have setbacks in new environments and this can include accidents? *
List incumbent living pet(s)'s breed, name, sex, age, and any special needs (including non-canines) *
List any previous pets in the last 3 years [breed, name, sex, age, reason for leaving]; N/A if not applicable *
Hours per typical day the animal will be left alone *
Does anyone in the household work from home more than 50% of the time? *
Your occupation (and spouse/partner's occupation, if applicable) *
Where will the animal be kept when alone? *
When left alone will the animal have access to food? *
What food(s) do you feed? (N/A if no incumbent pets) *
What meals do you feed? (check all that apply) *
When left alone will the animal have access to water? *
When left alone will the animal have access to go outside to "potty"? *
Veterinary contact information 1 (current +last 5 years and please contact your vet in advance and give them permission to speak with APR) - provide name, address, and phone number *
Veterinary contact information (5+ years prior and please contact your vet in advance and give them permission to speak with APR) - provide name, address, and phone number
List contact information for current pet sitter (full name and best contact number).  N/A if not applicable. *
Reference #1 (include full name, relationship, and best contact number) - Please list one reference that is not a relative *
Is reference 1 a mobile number? *
Reference #2 (include full name, relationship, and best contact number) - Please list one reference that is not a relative *
Is reference 2 a mobile number?
Reference #3 (include full name, relationship, and best contact number) - Please list one reference that is not a relative *
Is reference 3 a mobile number?
Have you previously been denied to adopt by any other rescue?  Please include any details known.  N/A if not applicable. *
Have you previously successfully adopted from any other rescue?  If yes, please include all details that you recall.  N/A if not applicable. *
It is important to have a plan for your animals in the event of your death or incapacitation.  Do you have a plan?  Please prepare to discuss this during your interview. *
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