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{Bυrвєrry ρσsєs} Bℓσggєr Aρρℓicατiσท
Welcome to the annual bloggers application from {Burberry Poses}, below you must read all the terms before you apply.
1- Your blog must have 3 months or more.
2 - You should post at least 4 new releases per month.
3 - We need a good relationship with our bloggers, you are free to ask any question and inform me if you are having any trouble that prevents you from posting.
4 - You must be creative and unique.
5 - Remember to post your posts in Burberry Poses Flickr Group:
6 - You understand that if you are accepted you will receive the notification in world, please don't send notecards, the applications will only be read through here.
7 - Review copies are sent via subscriber, no group slot is needed!

Thank you for your interest in blogging for {Burberry Poses}
Accedi a Google per salvare i risultati raggiunti. Scopri di più
What Is your Second Life name? (not display name) *
Blog URL ? *
Flickr URL ? *
How long have you been blogging ? *
How often do you blog? 1, 2, or more times a week *
Did you read the terms and agree? *
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Non inviare mai le password tramite Moduli Google.
Questi contenuti non sono creati né avallati da Google. Segnala abuso - Termini di servizio - Norme sulla privacy