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Mentee Nomination Form
Thank you for your interest in joining us as a mentee at 2 Million Mentors LIVE hosted by The WIE Suite in partnership with DVF. As part of our #2millionmentorminutes initiative, 50 promising young leaders will receive career development advice and support from visionary executives and founders.

To apply, please complete the form below. Note that if selected as a mentee, you must be available to attend the event in person on March 1st from 9:30am - 12:00pm in NYC.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Title *
Company *
Location (city, state) *
Who nominated you as a mentee? *
Please include your bio below. *
Which of the following describes your ethnicity? *
What are you hoping to gain from mentorship? *
Share three pain points you're experiencing in your professional career. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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