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341 E Market St Broker's Form

The auction for this property will take place online and in-person on December 14th @ 11:00 AM EST, with the in-person auction being held at the Loudoun County Courthouse at 18 East Market Street Leesburg, VA 20176. 

***ONLINE Bidders deposit must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the Foreclosure Auction, IN-PERSON bidders must provide the deposit in the form of a cashier’s check payable to the substitute trustee, Jeffrey A. Ward.

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Bidder Email *

Special Terms for 341 E. Market St; $2,500 flat fee.

Broker and Buyer’s agent expressly acknowledge and agree to register the above referenced Prospective Buyer with Dudley Auctions Inc. dba Dudley Resources with respect to the above referenced property to be sold at Auction on the above referenced date. It is understood and agreed that the commission will be governed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Sale and/or Foreclosure Notice (whichever is applicable) as set forth online and in the information package. A commission of $2,500 will be paid to the registered broker named herein if: a) this Broker Acknowledgment Form is properly completed and submitted; b) the Prospective Buyer named herein is the highest bidder at the Auction Sale; and c) the Prospective Buyer named herein as the highest bidder at the Auction Sale executes a Contract of Sale and closes on the sale of the subject property in accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement of Sale. Agents and Brokers acting as principals or employees, affiliates or immediate family members are not eligible for a commission. In the event that the Dudley Resources agrees to reduce the commission received in order to successfully consummate a sale, Broker and Buyer’s agree that any commissions paid to Broker and Buyer’s agent will also proportionately be reduced. If litigation is required to collect the commission, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs shall be deducted from the gross commission collected and the balance shall be divided proportionately. In order to be effective, Dudley Resources must receive all Broker Acknowledgment Forms no later than 24 hours before the end of the scheduled auction date.

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