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Letter of Recommendation Form (S-Z)
ATTENTION: This form is for students with the last names S-Z only. If you fill out this form and Miss O'Neil is NOT your school counselor, your information will not be forwarded to your school counselor.

Before you fill out this form, please review the following requirements:

Letter of Recommendation (LOR) process/steps:
  1.  Please complete the questions below and submit to your counselor. Please be as detailed as possibleThe more information you provide, the more information the counselor will be able to share with your university.
  2.  Email your counselor when you have submitted this form to request an in-person meeting to review your responses.  
Both steps must be completed by the deadline:
  • College applications/scholarships with a deadline in November or December - LOR DEADLINE Friday, September 27, 2024 at 3:30 PM!
  • College applications/scholarships with a deadline in January 1st or later - LOR DEADLINE Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 3:30 PM!
Regarding Late Requests: A late request will result in either a generic letter written or no letter at all (at the discretion of the School Counselor or other evaluator depending on their workload and timeframe). 

Regarding CSU/UC Applications: California public universities (Cal States and UCs) do not require or accept letters of recommendation. DO NOT complete this packet if these are the only types of colleges to which you are applying, unless your specific program requires a letter.

Regarding Teacher LOR Requests: This form is not utilized for teacher LOR requests. You must contact the teacher directly to request they write a letter of rec for you.
Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Student ID *
I agree that Miss O'Neil (Last Names S-Z) is my school counselor and am requesting a letter of rec from Miss O'Neil.  *
I have reviewed the Letter of Recommendation requirements above. *
I understand that if I submit this form after the deadlines listed, it is not guaranteed a letter will be written. 

Form needs to be filled out by Friday, September 27, 2024 for applications with a November/December deadline

Form needs to be filled out by Tuesday, October 29, 2024 for applications with a January 1st or later deadline
List three adjectives that would best describe you to a stranger. *
Adjective 1 - Provide a detailed example or story of how you have displayed this. *
Adjective 2 - Provide a detailed example or story of how you have displayed this.
Adjective 3 - Provide a detailed example or story of how you have displayed this.
Describe any circumstances or events in your life that you feel have shaped your character, personality, and attitude towards life. How old were you and what grade were you in when you experienced this? *
Do you have any additional responsibilities outside of school that a typical high school student might not have? If so, please tell me more about that responsibility.  *
Discuss at least one leadership role you have experienced in your life. How did this leadership role change you? What did you learn from the experience? *
How have you made an impact on another person's life? It could be a friend, stranger, or someone that you interacted with while volunteering or working. Maybe it was going out of your way to sit with someone you don't know at lunch or giving a compliment to someone who you knew was having a bad day.  *
Does your academic transcript reflect your true ability and potential for success in college? If there was any significant decrease in your academic performance, please elaborate.  *
Were there any classes that you wanted to take in high school that you weren't able to take because your schedule didn't allow you to?  *
What is your life motto that you live by and why?  *
Please list the major or occupation you plan on pursuing and provide as much detail as possible about how you decided on that field.  *
I acknowledge that I also need to email my school counselor to request an in-person meeting. I understand that my letter of recommendation request is NOT finalized until this second step is complete. 

- College applications/scholarships with a deadline in November or December - LOR DEADLINE Friday, September 27, 2024 
- College applications/scholarships with a deadline in January 1st or later - LOR DEADLINE Tuesday, October 29, 2024
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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