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SET7 Program Registration

Welcome to SET7 Skills & Technology, North Perth & Region!

Set7 provides access to training for individuals who are unemployed, or who are looking to upskill to increase opportunities in their career. Our programs are designed to meet labour market needs and provide real world skills across a variety of industries. 

For assistance with this form, please call Erin at 519-444-4098.

Registration Process

1. Complete this form to register for the course.

2. One of our team members will register you and let you know if any further information is needed.

3. Payment is required once enrollment is confirmed via e-transfer, cash or cheque. Instructions will be provided for confirmed participants.

We thank you for your interest and look forward to your participation in our programs.

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Name (first and last name required)  *
Email *
Phone number/cell *
Address *
I'm interested in taking... *
Best way to reach you *
This program will help my career goals by: *
I am currently... *
If employed, my current employer is...
If employed, my current job title is:
How did you hear about this training program? *
Are there any other comments you would like to share with us to help us better understand what you are looking for?
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