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NYCPWG Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in the NYC Pollinator Working Group (NYCPWG). The NYCPWG is a group of concerned professionals who network and collaborate to promote, advocate, and take action for the conservation of beneficial pollinating insects and the resources they depend upon.
Please complete the application for NYCPWG membership below.
Membership requires the following:
1) Attend three out of four in-person meetings annually;
2) Participate in at least one Committee;
3) Contribute to advance the projects of your chosen Committee;
4) Be prepared to vote in occasional decision-making regarding policy positions.
Please review the full membership guidelines in the email you received. We look forward to seeing you at a future meeting!
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First Name and Last Name
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Do you currently/did you formerly work or volunteer for an organization, business, government agency or other entity related to pollinators? (i.e. environmental, educational, landscaping, gardening organization or group)
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