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SMG Financial Assistance Request
The purpose of the SMG scholarship fund is to support members who are facing financial hardship and need assistance to help cover the costs for SMG’s Trainings and Two Day experiences. Applications must be received by the designated due date in the event. The request will be thoroughly reviewed by the Stewardship Council before a determination is made. When you have completed the questions please click ‘submit’ below.
All submissions are confidential and discussed only by the Stewardship Council.
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Email *
Your Name *
What circle do you sit with? *
What event are you requesting assistance with? *
How much assistance are you requesting? *
What are the circumstances around your need for financial assistance? *
Are you current with your dues? 

If you are not sure, visit the following link and look under the Current Dues Status Column:

If you are not current with your dues, do you have a plan to come current? (Please provide a brief explanation)
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