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Tips for Good Sips (TGS) Mixology Class
    Let’s have a conversation about alcohol while drinking….mocktails that is. During this program we’ll talk about the messages and myths surrounding college drinking, explore the difference between higher risk and lower risk consumption, and learn about ways to make healthier choices around alcohol. All while learning to make delicious mocktails.
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What is the name of your organization? *
What is your name? (first and last) *
How many participants do you anticipate? *
Please list three days and times that would work for your organization. We will do our best to accommodate but we cannot guarantee availability of presenters.  *
It is preferred that the organization reserves a space for this conversation.  Are you able to reserve a space for this event? *
What are your goals for this conversation? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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