Mastery 4
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Part A: Fill in each blank with an appropriate signal word from the list. Use each transition once.
     When United States coins were originally produced, the dollar, half-dollar, 25-cent, and 10-cent coins were made of gold and silver. People sometimes tried to enrich themselves by filing down the edges, which would (1) _____ their getting a little of the precious metal. As a (2) _____, the government began making those coins with ridged edges. That way, it was obvious if someone had filed off some of the coin. Later, the government stopped using precious metals for coins. But blind people pointed out that the ridged edges on certain coins helped them to identify those coins by touch. (3) _____, dimes, quarter, half-dollars, and dollar coins still have ridged edges.
4. This paragraph uses
Part B: Fill in each blank with an appropriate signal word from the list. Use each transition once.
     Do you consider yourself an introvert - or an extrovert? Introverts are people who gain energy from solitary activities. They often enjoy reading, writing, watching movies at home, or spending time with just one or two friends. Extroverts, (5) _____, draw energy from spending time with others. They like being with a crowd, taking part in group activities, and hanging out with lots of people. Introverts figure things out by thinking quietly about them, (6) _____ extroverts prefer to talk things out.
7. This paragraph uses
Part C: Fill in each blank with an appropriate signal word from the list. Use each transition once.
     A dictionary may seem solid and unchanging, like a rock. However, that is not the case at all. Dictionaries are constantly changing, just as language itself is. (8) _____, the latest edition of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary includes ten thousand words that the previous edition did not. One (9) _____ of a new word is google. It comes fro the Internet search engine called Google. When someone says, "I googled for information about headaches," she means she spent time searching that topic on the Internet.
10. This paragraph uses
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