2022 SCI Novi Youth Wish Hunt
Youth First & Last Name *
Your answer
Gender *
Birthday *
Age *
Home Address, City, State, Zip *
Your answer
Parent or Guardian Email *
Your answer
Parent or Guardian Name *
Your answer
Parent or Guardian Phone *
Your answer
Please describe the condition(s) or circumstance that makes the nominee qualify for this program. *
Your answer
Please describe any special considerations or needs the nominee will need if chosen for this hunt. Ex: wheelchair accessible, dietary, etc. *
Your answer
Where did you hear about the SCI Novi Youth Wish Hunt?
Examples - Web, e-mail, other
Your answer
Has the nominee ever shot a firearm before?
Has the nominee ever shot a bow before?
Has the nominee ever hunted before?
Please describe how, when and where for the three questions above, and list any animals hunted
Your answer
Has the nominee ever taken a Hunter's Safety course? *
If yes, please describe when and where
Your answer
Has the nominee ever attended a hunt similar to this before? *
If yes, please describe when and where
Your answer
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