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Application for "Urban Gardening" project:
JANUN Hannover e.V. and Hosteling International cordially invite you to participate in the "Urban Gardening" project scheduled to take place in Hannover and Oberweimar from July 14, 2024, to July 24, 2024.The project's objectives include familiarizing participants with several currently active gardening initiatives in Germany, providing both educational and practical activities related to gardening practices, and gaining perspectives from different countries on urban gardening.
If you are interested in being a part of our enriching project, kindly complete the form provided below. 
Our team will promptly review your survey responses and provide feedback within a week. Further on, we will invite you to a possible interview.
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E-mail adress *
Name and surname *
Date of birth
How did you find out about this project? *
Why do you wish to join the project? *
Tell us a little bit about yourself (for instance your education profile, job, free time activities...) *
What kind of experience do you have with gardening? *
Do you wish to cultivate a garden in the future? *
In your opinion, what are the main benefits of gardening on individual and collective level (especially in urban environment).  *
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